Know Your Buffoons! Buffoonicus sophistrius

Want a sneak preview of the book? Here's the ninth in our series where we help you "Know Your Buffoons", featuring the amazing art of John Pennisi - Buffoonicus sophistrius. 

Meet "The Hypocrite"; one of the more odious Buffoons in politics. As the great Benjamin Franklin once said: 

[A] publick Hypocrite every day deceives his betters, and makes them the Ignorant Trumpeters of his supposed Godliness: They take him for a Saint, and pass him for one, without considering that they are (as it were) the Instruments of publick Mischief out of Conscience, and ruin their Country for God’s sake.

Simply put, the Hypocrite is just too far gone. Their cognitive dissonance is completely ingrained in their personal and political identity. The Hypocrite has crossed the dividing line from the rather benign variants of Buffoon we discussed earlier into hypocrisy so many times that they developed a callous and unrepentant disposition. 

One of the best modern examples of such hypocrisy occurred during the COVID lockdowns with Chris "Fredo" Cuomo. If you recall, Cuomo made a big deal about his quarantine in his home. Yet, he was caught breaking his own quarantine when a beach biker caught Fredo out and about inspecting a property in the Hamptons. But, that trifle didn't stop Fredo from making a phony re-emergence from his basement quarantine, complete with a fake return to his family. Cuomo did this all while preaching how everyone else must stay on lockdown. 

That's the deal with The Hypocrite: rules for thee, none for me. 

You can learn more about Hypocrites and other classifications of Buffoons when you buy my book on Amazon!

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